How Do Interactive Data Visualizations Improve User Engagement?
Published on: June 17, 2021 ecommerce
E-commerce can also be referred to as electronic commerce, which is dependent on the digital world. With the advancement of digitalization, Business owners have chosen the digital platform as an alternative platform for the sake of their business. Today almost every sort of product and service is available on the Internet. The most flourishing business is the Ecommerce Business. In this article, you will learn about the why and how to Increase Ecommerce Sales. Keep reading!
Why is eCommerce growing?
E-commerce or Electronic commerce is continuously growing and thriving in the global market. According to the national statistics, the UK's non-financial sector earned around £ 560 billion in 2017 with the help of E-commerce sales. Since 2016, e-commerce has witnessed 16% of growth in the market. But what is making eCommerce important for the development of the business? Here are some of the reasons why eCommerce is growing.Mobile adaptivity. Today almost every single person is busy with their work schedule. This busy schedule is reducing time for every individual. As a result, it became impossible to visit any shop to purchase their requirements. In such a critical scenario, e-commerce helps them save time.
Moreover, the customer prefers accessing the e-commerce option because of Mobile Adaptivity. Therefore, almost every company ensures that its website is mobile-friendly. The mobile-friendly website helps enhance the customer’s experience. In research, it has been seen that America alone earned revenue from $3 billion to $31 billion through mobile shopping.
More Options:
With e-commerce, shoppers get multiple options in their hands. Availability of numerous choices in color, size, style makes the e-commerce site favorite among the customer, resulting in increased growth of e-commerce.Integration of social media:
Social media plays a crucial role in our life. People are turning themselves toward the mobile phone in search of an answer, which depicts the reason behind the growth of social media and e-commerce. As per a survey, it has been found that around 81% of the people have taken help of Instagram for searching about various products and services; 80% of people have got assistance in deciding on purchasing the product. Thus, social media has brought the company and customers much closer.The Growth of Ecommerce:
Every business selling its product through an e-commerce site needs to comprehend the latest growth of eCommerce so that you can accentuate your business. The year 2020 and 2021 was one of the terrible years, but in terms of e-commerce, it has proven to be the year of success. Due to lockdown and Pandemic, people have relied mainly on the e-commerce site for purchasing essentials. Therefore, it is expected that the e-commerce industry will witness a reach of 20% in retail sales. Through cumulative data, it has been found that eCommerce sales have caught 276.9% of the increase globally. According to the figures, it has been found that over 22% of the total population of the world shops through online sites.The rise of online stores:
The demand for online stores is accelerating, which is why normal stores are suffering in their business. On the other hand, shopping is a favorite activity among most people. There are many reasons behind the rise of online stores.●Customers get 24/7 assistance from online stores. In a busy schedule, an online store is time-saving and extremely helpful.
●Customers can easily compare the price among other products and then purchase them. The feature of Price comparison helps the customer save lots of money from their every purchase.
●Thanks to the online store, customers can easily order products from different parts of the world.